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Save the Excuses October!

Hello October,

A new Month has taken place. The question is as we only have 2 months left in the year, how do you plan to enter the New Year? This is perfect time of the year to start utilizing the resources in your reach. There are practitioners and MDs who you can see for annuals or concerns about your health that you have.

You also can take advantage of those "self care" services such as Vitamin Infusions, Massages, Facials, Colonics and more. So many services that are available outside of Western Medicine.

We encourage you to try different services that will not only enhance your appearance but also enhance the way you see your wellness. Join that gym or tell your provider you need to see a mental health therapist. That vision that you have put in the work to complete it. Set the plans for your wellness goals and then knock them out.

Lastly, celebrate your small wins. Don't hesitate about celebrating your small wins. Small wins can be anything from doing 1 workout in 1 week to accomplish. It is considered your win and everyone is not going to understand what it took for you to arrive to the place called implementation.

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